
Saturday 25 July 2009

Rivington Street, London

My very first professional job at the tender age of 20 (sadly so long ago now) was working with a Textile Designer named Kate Blee based in Rivington Street, now new(ishly) built up. At the time I remember having to walk through what was then a series of building sites to get to the studio, based above an Architectural practise along this street. Although I have been along here many times since I left Kate I don't ever remember looking at it with the same eyes. It does still appear to have that nightclub after the party feel about it - you know, when the main lights are switched on at the end of the night and you suddenly realise that the carpet is stained and sticky, the walls are falling down and your date is no longer as pretty as the flashing club lights led you to believe in fact, as the graphic says, Scary. Anyway, through serendipity I did find this place, in particular the window display below which is quite interesting. This is the home of YCN.72 - a place which showcases and provides a platform for emerging talent