Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Student work New Pret-a-Manger concept development
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Student Work, New Pret-A-Manger concept development sketches
Monday, 28 September 2009
Pringle, London
Sunday, 27 September 2009
100% Design, London
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Tiffany, London

Friday, 25 September 2009
Adlers, London
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Versace, London
Following on from Burberrys windows yesterday, Versace, also here in London have used another example of the suspended vertical plane. The simply coloured panels in a matt finish work incredibly well against this merchandise and additionally allows us to see into the store. Unfortunately as I was taking these images at night time the security grill was in place which I feel distracts from this whole visual effect. (The only thing I can think of comparing this to is someone producing a beautiful work of Art and selling it in a garage - this a very masculine statement.) There must be better ways of securing the merchandise to enable and support the stunning visual effect that has been created. In fact is it really needed at all? In the second window the Versace team have used two figures, again with the suspended vertical planes but with the addition of flashing lights. I made a quick video of this as I think in order to understand the effect it needs to be seen in action. I like the idea of these lights as they do scream...over here...over here..! but I am not quite sure that this works particularly well? or perhaps the first window also needed the same treatment?
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Burberry, London
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Juicy Couture, London

Monday, 21 September 2009
Jigsaw, London
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Max Mara, London
I absolutely love this store. Currently. I love this brutalist feel to this store and the windows. I think it reminds me, from my experience at least, of a 1970's secondary school, created from breeze blocks and concrete - where is the swimming pool that I froze in after school only to use all of the hot water in the shower just to warm up I ask myself? This of course is far more chic and beyond the 'Kes' feel of the place, as it does have fabulously glossy surfaces. Of course by lifting anything away from the floor and suspending it gives the illusion of space which is exactly what this store does. It is exquisite with its luxurious materials, I only wish I could live here.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Ralph Lauren, London
Ralph Lauren seem to have created a group of windows which to me would not look out of place as a Charles Dickens Great Expectations Theatre set, the figure used here, is perhaps the beautiful Estella? Swathes of nude toned materials, fixtures and furniture wrapped in ropes and heaps and heaps of dried Hydrangea. These are very beautifully executed windows (as they always are) However, I do find that the rather tanned Yasmin le Bon Rootstein Mannequin is cropping up in every single scheme. Yasmin of course married Simon Le Bon the lead singer of Duran Duran the famous 80's pop group and is one of only a few in the Rootstein archives that actually has an open mouth. Some brands use her with painted freakishly white teeth. This figure from Rootstein's Frieze collection produced in 1990 I feel is perhaps a little dated? After following these windows for many years I think I am, I hate to say it, a but uninspired seeing her in every single scheme and in the same skin tone whether it is in the heat of Summer of the freezing cold of a London winter. I would dearly hate to leave a negative thought here as the wonderful schemes that this brand produces are so fantastic, but c'mon visual team, please change the multi-Yasmins.
Friday, 18 September 2009
Escada, London
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Joseph, London
This is another great example from Joseph in London of a 'prestige display' which is usually adopted for exclusive merchandise stores - the type of thing I have shown for the past few days. When placing figures in windows, I always advise students to place them facing the customer flow. As we all know when walking along the high street we may glance at people from head to toe and back again. The face of course becomes the significant feature by which we recognise each other. Here Joseph have used repetition of the mannequin with chandeliers actually covering the faces, removing our ability to focus on the facial features and therefore drawing attention to the merchandise - cleverly thought through..! The figures are also placed in a semi-radiating format where the is eye is drawn to where we think the line of convergence should or would be. We can also just about see through the store and how the lighting inside is also a repetitive radiating form and therefore these forms of radiation lead from one to another to create a very harmonious environment. The additional window contains a chandelier as if it has crashed to the floor. The facial features of the figure are almost faded as if to make it unrecognisable. We recognise the human form but not the 'person' wearing it and therefore as these figures become generic we once again are drawn to the next recognisable feature, the merchandise itself.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Mathew Williamson, London
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Alexander McQueen, London
The Alexander McQueen windows along Bond Street in London, absolutely exemplify what he [Alexander] is doing on the catwalk for Autumn 2010. I have seen this store many times and it still remains one of my favourites with its suspended pillars and curvilinear interior - absolutely beautiful. The windows here normally have a glass floor and therefore I suppose it is difficult to create an installation which works with the existing Architecture. This installation however works incredibly well. Anyway, it is the most progressive and the boldest scheme that I have seen in a long time from this Designer (with regard to the windows) which reflects the look and feel from Alexanders catwalk shows. Truly amazing, is the feel of this brand with the pyramidal stack of televisions, some flickering with and attempting to tune in to out there, in here, or at least some where. The stretched and exaggerated perspective hounds tooth design that I have shown recently at Jaegar on a vinyl seems to work even better in this context.