
Sunday 8 November 2009

Student Visit to Proportion London

As part of my students course I often arrange site visits through my contacts in various companies. I feel that these introductions into the industry are a crucial part of their Education and feedback from students is always so positive. Here you are able to view images taken by one of my students on a visit to the Proportion London showroom in the Farringdon area of London. While I visit this and many other companies quite often myself I do find that what I see tends to blur and meld over time. After all we are bombarded with so much visual information every day. Therefore, what I do find so interesting is being able to see through the eyes of my students what exactly they see for their first time and also what interests them. This is a useful exercise for us as tutors to do, as it does enable us as to tap into what interests students and try at least to pitch our lectures to our audience at the appropriate level. During the visit students had the opportunity hear a presentation from Tanya Reynolds who is the Creative Director at Proportion London and ask all of those burning questions such as the process they go through from initial inspiration to the launch of a new collection and to talk to Tanya about her journey from the beginning of her career to where she is now. While flaneur-ing the city it is very difficult to find a store that does not use a piece from Proportion London. Testament, I believe, that what they do, they do so incredibly well, and the real pleasure for me lies in the fact that not only are they so wonderfully creative they are all so genuinely nice about it too.