One company you must visit if you attend the Retail VM and Display show this week has to be Replica. I've watched this company from a distance for many years and I always find what the do so interesting. Led by the multi talented Designer, Loraine Krell, Replica (you may be more familiar with them from the incredible food that they produce) work in a way which is quite unique within this industry. This understated computer savvy company not only work with the big brand names globally, but also, additionally with an incredibly diverse client base. Replica get to the core of the Commercial industry and work with very big name Architects and Designers that would make any Design company green with envy. Their work can be seen from Westfield to West Broadway (and indeed further). What I find so interesting about Replica (and why they must be on your list of contacts) is their willingness to explore new ways of working with their clients - testing and experimentation with materials form part of their personal philosophy. How often are integral pieces of Commercial Design explored and tested through prototyping, testing, developing and testing again? Very little, I think. Material performance, incredible lighting, developing and creating an Uber cool concept but making it workable within a commercial environment is what this company are about. So, do drop by their stand see what they can do for you - I can guarantee you won't want to leave.