
Saturday, 20 March 2010

Ponte Milvio Bridge Padlocks, Rome.

On my last few days in the city of Rome, having explored the wealth of Pompeii, Tivoli, and Bosano seeking inspiration for new concepts, and reviewing the cities windows for you, I happened to be crossing over the Ponte Milvio Bridge. I knew very little about this bridge and was intrigued to find padlocks attached at different points along the bridge. I felt compelled to photograph these without really knowing why and just by chance happened to turn on the radio in the early hours of the following morning to hear some guests on a radio station somewhere talking about these padlocks. Bizarre coincidence I know. Anyway, it transpires that these padlocks are left by lovers swearing their eternal love for each other. They attach a locked padlock to the bridge and throw the key in the Tiber river below. Apparently some lamp posts were so heavily laden with padlocks that they have collapsed. Being Romes oldest bridge the Government have put up more contemporary posts to which lovers may attach their padlocks and seal their love. In the meantime, however there are opportunities to use and develop ideas such as this for ourselves within our Commercial Environments.