
Tuesday 6 July 2010

Harvey Nichols, London

I was nearly run over last night by a monster of a car (or probably one of those Chelsea tractors) but with an Arabic number plate as it left that 'interesting' Knightsbridge casino next to Harvey Niks and as I flaneured around Knightsbridge itself. I'm not asking for sympathy here as it was my own fault as I tried to take in the incredible new scheme at this ever fabulous department store in order to take some photographs for you all. How dedicated am I, hey? Anyway, I was so in awe of this scheme walking backwards and forwards to look at the detail that I now know what these guys were up to behind those 'Sale' vinyls for the past few weeks. This is one of the greatest schemes I have seen from this brand and one that will appear in all of those publications around the world. Janet Wardley, the Creative Director here and her team have absolutely excelled themselves and this is certainly the top scheme of theirs for 2010. I would liken it to Bergdorf Goodman in New York (I do regard BG as the pinnacle of this industry) but, this is much, much better (apologies to my dear VM and Display friends in NYC, but this one really is the best right now). Just go and check it out - spectacular and what this industry is all about.