
Sunday 29 August 2010

Guess, London

Its very difficult to be positive about brands like this and I am sighing in despair at this installation. Having shown some incredible places and sites to seek inspiration this week, I just cannot comprehend how such an enormous company can allow this to happen? I do however fully comprehend why this is happening. So, why therefore are these brands still using the old format of 'headquarters' in a completely different country and culture dictating what happens in another? This is how it works right? The Saturday / part-time person receives the manual that was probably sent by e-mail, the store manager who downloaded it and printed it and thought to themselves 'who shall I get to to this job?' So there's the manual with the images of the mock up produced somewhere 'out there' and the formula is followed to get the look. Bonkers. Truly bonkers. But hey, how much money did that save? And sadly this is what this is all about. While I understand this brands positioning, perhaps they need to realise how much they are actually undermining themselves? In the meantime the usual old format of coloured angled fluorescent's have been used (contrary to my advice re. 10 commandments for 2010 launched in January), with the usual large format monochromatic graphic and mannequins positioned incorrectly on their bases correctly. I shudder.