
Friday 24 September 2010

100% Design, London

If you haven't been to 100% Design yet, what are you doing?  OK, I know we are all busy (and please don't think I'm sat here burrowed somewhere and behind my laptop sending this to you from the show)  by the time you receive this (thanks to modern technology) I've already moved on to my next show at Tent in East London.  This year at 100% I have found some real gems to keep me feeling inspired and cleansed.  Of course there are the usual wooden floors - real and faux - in every possible tone and material you care to mention and a lot of them too.  There is the usual stuff recycled and Eco friendly, baths and sinks in 'fashionable' colours - Jacuzzis too - wallpapers and stuff I never knew I needed, but clearly I do .  The new materials available for us to use are delicious and I certainly found some new suppliers for my own work.  There seems to be a big and environmentally unfriendly bias towards everything encapsulated in resin - you name it, its been 'resined'.  I have always loved this material (although not the fumes) and it can look incredibly cool used creatively, some suppliers have.  Lighting is a little hit and miss although there are some interesting and in some cases quite sculptural uses of MDF.  Anyway, you still have time to get yourself there, so go on, its Friday.