
Saturday 25 September 2010

Everyday Delights, London

One of my absolute favourites at Tent this year here in London, has to be the outcomes produced at Everyday Delights and the  JJAM Curators Collective's "challenge to London based designers to reinvent the classic yellow duster in a way that we never imagined before." "The project aimed to use the most banal everyday object - the duster - to promote the creativity of London's contemporary design scene."   The work is superbly produced, its wonderfully humorous and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my time than looking at the outcomes from this group - incredible.  My favourites, well, they all look wonderful, but for me, the tea set complete with tray (below) and of course, the knuckle dusters (above).  What a wonderful sense of humour these guys have, and I would like to see some of this stuff in some of the major retailers in town.  If you don't snap these guys up soon, what on earth are you doing?