
Sunday 26 December 2010

Alexis Bittar, New York

I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan of jewellery and own or wear nothing jewel-like on my person, not even a watch and never really have done.  I always find wearing additional and what I feel unnecessary accessories irritating.  I think that's why I hadn't heard of Alexis Bittar before now.  However, what incredible windows he has at his store in Manhatten and what incredibly beautiful jewellery.  I also discovered that Joan Collins was the face of Bittars 2010 campaign which was is great fun.  Anyway, it looks like taxidermy is going to be big in 2011 as we are seeing it just about everywhere - recycled or road kill preferably.  What drew me to this installation is the mythical  creatures that has been produced here from two original sources.  What great humour this guy must have.  I'm not a convert yet to jewellery for me personally but I do  appreciate how it has been shown here very much.