
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Gucci, London

We had forgotten that we had taken these images until recently.  Of course Sale windows are so dominant around town right now that there really is little else to photograph anyway, therefore we are scanning our previous weeks images in search of the latest or at least current images that we may previously overlooked.  These are some of them.  We had actually meant to include this scheme recently as it does work so incredibly well in its simplicity.  An image of a White marble staircase leading to nowhere in particular forms the back ground to the product here.  Strangely, these images of staircases do look incredibly cleverly and beautifully produced and our images just don't do them justice.  Sadly in our images the whole thing just looks like a headless mannequin wearing an OK suit in front of a White marble staircase.  Ah well,  who said that the camera never lies, hey?