We decided to swing by Saville Row this week and check out some of the stores, just in case something exciting was happening - we were hoping. Of course we're big fans of Lanvin, although not necessarily of their window schemes. We are always dubious about hybridised mannequins and we're not quite sure whats going on with this scheme right now. Mannequins, placed as if they either look as if they have had a very good Saturday night or suspended with 'invisible' thread (apparently by their eyebrows - see below) just doesn't work in such a sophisticated brand that is attempting to look interesting. Just make it look boring guys and be done or come up with an intelligent design? We're bored trying to find the positive in these schemes, so now, we need to tell it like it is. Great brand, but dull, untalented, uneducated, uninformed schemes - scary stuff really.