
Friday 17 August 2012

Markets, Shanghai

As regular readers will know, we spend hours scouring markets for delicious finds for trends and props and Shanghai has some corkers.  If you're looking for a ceramic Chairman Mao in a multitude of poses, some old Chinese lamps in unusual shapes, old coins, suitcases, bird cages or just some Asian stuff....the list goes on......then look no further.  We have to confess that we did have to treat ourselves to a ceramic waving Chairman Mao just for the kitsch value although we did resist the man selling a tiny vase in which one would place just one flower.....pluuurreaase we have enough 'stuff' already.  Anyway, the market traders here do come across a little aggressive and we're not really sure when we explain that 'We don't want a rusty bird cage thanks' whether they are replying 'Oh OK nice British visual researchers, 'ave a nice day guv'nor' or whether they have just put some Gypsy curse on us.  These guys do like to peer into your wallet however so if you do get down here, have small notes and haggle like your life depends on it.  One ceramic Chairman Mao - 3 quid, Kitsch value - priceless.