
Thursday 29 November 2012

Asprey, London

The quality of schemes at Asprey (we no longer say.....and Garrard.....apparently they've split but we don't talk about that bit) is its usual fantastic quality and we absolutely adore these British brands with such a massive history; one cant buy that, only buy into it and the tourists love it.  Anyway, the scheme here looks great but the videos do rather jar with the static scheme.  Maybe we are being a little picky or perhaps niggly, but it just doesn't turn us on.  It looks great.....we really, really want to love it (as it is brilliant quality) but we just feel that it ticks a box and job done.  Disappointed really......Merry Christmas then.....sigh.  Why dont you guys project a bit of fun?  Entertain us, not just tick a box?