
Thursday 3 January 2013

Les Jardins Marjorelle, Marrakech

No visit to Marrakech would be complete without a visit to Les Jardins Marjorelle.  There are a plethora of images on the Internet of this place and tonnes of information available if you do a search so we wont write a lengthy description of this place.  But suffice to say it is rather stunning.  This particular shade of Blue of course looks absolutely magical in the Moroccan daylight and can be viewed in pockets all around the city.  Set  on the the Rue Yves St. Laurent and containing his memorial, this place is pure inspiration.  We may actually include some of the images in our first book which is being published later this year.  There is also, rather strangely a Berber exhibition attached to this house at the back.  Be warned however not to try and take images inside.  We did try and were well and truly busted by security with demands of 'Delete, delete, delete'.  Ah well, all in a days work.