
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Mappin and Webb, London

We usually pass by this store along Bond Street as they rarely do anything interesting.  In fact we have never included them here previously and have never really noticed them before.  Established in 1774 this brand has a massive heritage and therefore no doubt have a huge Asian following, we would imagine?  Anyway, we always go and see what good old, but exciting Tiffany are doing but never here until now.  Someone has clearly been breathing some desperately needed life into this dusty old brand and it is finally looking interesting (we cant say again as they have never done anything before now as far as we know?). Anyway, if you happen to be making a bee line for McQueen or popping in to Joseph on your way to Fortnum's do stop and have a look at what these guys are doing along the way.  The day we looked the passing footfall were loving it and we actually had to take our turn in order to take photos.  What better endorsement that you are doing something less ordinary can you get?  Keep it coming guys...!