
Friday, 13 December 2013

Macys, New York

If you want to be underwhelmed and are up for a giggle then do go and view this little gem of a scheme at Macys.  We don't know if they take themselves too seriously (probably) but here we have the usual offering of 'cookie cutter' malarkey that only tourists or those from the 'burbs could truly love?  With their strap line, 'Believe' (of course we do) which can be seen a lot around the immediate streets on banners, the narrative here is of a little boy and a series of his experiences (we just couldn't bring ourselves to delve too deeply).  We did think anamatronics were a thing of the past but here it is in all its juddering glory together with a sprinkling of 21st century technology.  Oh Macys you are the gift that just keeps giving.  Check out our video and you too can 'Believe'.

De Bijenkorf, Amsterdam

Images Courtesy and Copyright

We leave you alone in Europe for just a few moments and you get all creative on us.  If we had known De Bijenkorf in Amsterdam were going to produce this incredible scheme we would have swung by and taken a look for ourselves.  Thankfully our contacts have shared these with us so that we can show you too and how magnificent and interesting is this installation, eh? (unfortunately we are unable to make the images bigger but if you subscribe by e-mail then you should be able to do this for yourself)  We've seen quite a few references to the Victorian period here in New York so it is fantastic to identify this as one of the key trends this Winter as well as, as you will see much later this month, references to space travel, astronomy and icebergs; clearly some of the luxe brands have their forecasters working overtime.  The direct references here are to Victorian paper toy theatres which those geniuses at UXUS in conjunction with De Bijenkorf have really pulled off so well.  A series of theatrical narratives takes the customer on a journey through a mysterious forest with magical animals which enhances selected product in each window (our favorite is the one at the top).  Brilliant stuff guys.