
Friday 3 January 2014

Inspiration, Tunisia

Nice Knockers, eh?  OK, cheap joke.  We are currently looking at some of the key pieces in Tunisia in North Africa right now, you can view our findings above at the top of the page.  There aren't exactly key trends here but there are some interesting pieces around the country to look at.  There are of course the multitude of retailers all selling the same old malarkey which we are constantly bombarded with from the guys peddling their wares of fake LV hand bags, Chanel track suits and a mountain of pashminas.  There are also of course the traders who insist on showing you their Lizards (the reptile..!) by hanging it by the scruff of its neck and dangling it in front of our faces.  Oh yes its none stop fun here.  Of course they don't realise that we've haggled with the best of them and one raise of a perfectly manicured eyebrow and the pursing of the lips usually ensures a hasty retreat back to their 'shop'.  We dare not even mention the multitude of cows heads (yes, just the head) hanging up outside what we are guessing is a Butchers store we hope.  Lets not also forget the constant harassment from the guys on the streets approaching us to ask if we remember them as apparently they are the 'waiter', 'barman', 'chef' from our hotel.  They seem a little bemused when we explain that we are not actually staying in a hotel and then they don't really know where to go with that little attempted scam next.  Still it keeps us amused.  However, if we hear 'lovely jubbly', 'cheeky bugger', 'cheeky monkey' or 'Asda price' one more time then we may have to either gag them with one of their cheap pashminas (possibly slap their Lizards) or wack them over the head with yet another crap piece of pottery; purely on humanitarian grounds you understand.  With armed police at every turn, road blocks, razor wire galore we are feeling quite safe, well  apart from a few cursory hostile and tense scowls in Tunis from the local youths that would make even Kate Adie's buttocks clench.  Well sort of safe. Its the teeth dissolving sugary-stewed-mouth-drying-Mint-tea that scares us more right now, and just don't even ask about the Brits abroad; frightening.