
Wednesday 2 April 2014

JD Sports, London

WTF, JD Sports on we hear you scream?  Well, yes, and we wouldn't have believed it either not so long ago as there was never a reason to include them, well not a good reason at least and no time anyway in between book launches, trips to Paris, having our legs waxed by Asad at Bushwackers aka House of Pain and Torture, but that's another story.  Well, just look at them now (JD not our legs).  We did actually happen to see the clearly talented Sam Cox produce this installation although we were quite far away so it was difficult to capture them at the time and cheer him on.  However, the information on the window reads that Cox's Art is psychedelic and playful and that he has progressed from drawing on his parents furniture and walls and onto large scale commissions....such as this we guess.  Anyway, maybe if the guys from JD had 'bigged' this up a little more then we all could have ooohd and arred at  the work of this clearly talented young man a lot sooner.

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