Yes, two Selfridges entries here in the same week? Are we spoiling you? Well, to be honest we are being a little indulgent as we wanted to share this little gem with you as well as the other parts of the current scheme. Only really as it is rather exciting and perfect for the current climate here in London. If you haven't been to Selfridges to see the windows yet which we showed to you earlier in the week then why not? Eh? You really are missing a treat and who does anything on a Friday afternoon anyway? The brand are also currently promoting the celebration of 25 years of Magnum. No, not the 'castro clone' moustached character played by Tom Selleck in the 80's but the gorgeous edible kind covered in 'chocklit'. And, here you can create your very own personalised version too. So, go on, its hot in the office, get yourselves down to Oxford street and enjoy the experience. We wont tell if you wont.
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