We've noticed quite a lot of cut out graphics recently across several brands so clearly it is a key trend happening right now (although when does this never happen, really?) OK, so here's our thinking. We do have to say that we don't not actually like what G-star have done in the slightest (and who cares what we think anyway) however wouldn't it have been just a little more interesting if the brand had adopted some fine Artist techniques such as below (we forget the name of the artist now but captured this image recently at a show here in London). This is not to suggest of course that the brand should have copied what the artist has produced, after all that would be plagiarism and that should be given a very wide berth. We have a hint of a narrative within the G-star window but look beyond the images and well there isn't very much else, is there? Even flicking a few inadvertent shadowy-naughty-boy V's or a surreptitious shadow of a penis only noticed by the few would have at least given us something to be vaguely amused by or possibly offered a bit of a girlie giggle and probably a bit more social media coverage, but no, not a smidgen, non, no way Jose, nothing. Missed opportunity possibly or is our thinking just a consequence of our malaise?

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