
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Dover Street Market, London

We always dread this time of year as it is such a struggle usually to find very much which is exciting in retail store windows.  Yes, we're back in London after a few weeks stateside, jet lagged, and have already been out to scour the city for the latest schemes.  Unfortunately most retailers have simply either covered up their Christmas schemes and added a vinyl Sale graphic or actually kept them with a Sale image on the fenestration.  Still, we have noticed that some schemes are starting to be removed so fingers crossed we will be able to show you the latest innovative schemes for the new season shortly.  Thankfully, even Sale at Dover Street Market is an Art Installation, well it would be wouldn't it.  And great fun it is too.  We can make out all sorts of stuff here from Teddy Bears to vacuum cleaners all wrapped in Red and White tape.  How simply is this and yet really punches the Sale message.

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