Thursday, 11 February 2016

Tom Ford, London

As one would expect, Tom Ford has delivered another very slick scheme at his Bond street store.  We did raise a smile slightly as the flooring in this scheme has a mirrored finish; possibly every females nightmare, apart from the glass floor and, well, a series of other nightmares which we don't care to mention.  Fortunately mannequins are not anatomically correct and so there is no real need for them to wear underwear however either the team wanted to raise a cheeky smile or maybe no-one even noticed that any passersby can get a good old eye full up right these female mannequins dresses.  Needless to say that whether cheeky or not it doesn't quite titillate our senses but one never knows when the latter-day Mary Whitehouse or any other person with anti liberalism views might be passing by and of course who has greater clout than us.  #Goodjobitsnotthemiddleeast  #thankgoodnessforlondon #cheeky #gigglinglikenaughtyschoolboys #whocaresanyway #willanyonenotice #anypublicityisgoodpublicityweguess

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