
Wednesday 7 July 2021

Cos, London

This is such a moving window to view and if you have the opportunity you should go and see it, even just have a glance.  In collaboration with the brand, the Artist Coco Capitan has created these limited edition T-shirts with 100% of the proceeds going to Kaleidoscope, the LGBT+ trust based here in London.  Do have a look at the Kaleidoscope webpage as this really is a worthy cause which you can find here: .  

It is really interesting to see that so many brands are coming out (well not literally obviously - now that would be an unexpected turn of events) and celebrating this remarkable time of year in support of the LGBT+ community.  We don't want to kill this long awaited (torturously long to be honest) development of course, however having lived through the 70's, 80's, 90's etc. ourselves we cant help thinking, Where we you then? Well, we know where you were.  You were here but said nothing and did nothing  (and yet so many of the LGBT+ community have worked for you).  This brand didn't exist until 2007 so we can forgive them to a point, however now that it is slightly more cool to support groups who have been and still are on the fringes of society every brand appears to be jumping on Pride as a commercial opportunity (not all of course and this scheme really is for a worthy cause).   We cant help but wonder if the same highlighting of LGBT+ support went into all stores across the country, ya' know in the rougher bits where support is probably needed more rather than in the safe spaces of the big city?  We're doubtful unless you tell us otherwise.  In the meantime, we will welcome you even if you weren't there when we actually needed you to raise awareness and support us but we won't forget either.

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